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[#153839] Written by: chinahuman [22/02/2011, 01:59]
[#153895] Written by: YesChef [22/02/2011, 20:04]
what a bunch of ungrateful brats. i for one, like these type of movies. will try and download this
and see it for myself.
[#153924] Written by: Severen666 [23/02/2011, 05:12]
you like poorly presented, unfocussed, third rate documentaries? well then, good for you. you should
be in heaven watching this slice of unfiltered mediocrity then.

just because something is free that doesn't mean it gets a free pass. i like a good documentary.
this wasn't a good documentary, not by a long damn shot.

by all means watch it and make up your own mind, in fact i invite you to do so, but next time try
watching it before you tell those that have actually watched it already and who have merely pointed
out how poor it is, that they are just being 'brats' for daring to have an actual informed position.
something which you, by the way, currently lack.
[#153949] Written by: Ebany [23/02/2011, 19:11]
great film, a "must" for most people!

if you are a gamer, or simply love to play for fun, watch this film.
if you are a friend or parent of someone who seems addicted to games, watch this film.
if you love excellent cgi, large budget filming, a class actors, and are very narrow minded, you
won't like this film so understand you have been warned.

fantastic! touching, dramatic, inspiring, was one of the best doco's i have seen in a very long
time. this film is more for those who are affiliated with the gaming world, or those who enjoy
something a little different and understand the budget restrictions a free film like this face. as
an ex-gamer who missed the professional industry by a few years and is now simply too old to
compete, this touched me on a personal level. it stirred memories of a past life.
[#154258] Written by: jatrudel [27/02/2011, 09:47]
the most vehement of the posters here have reverted to personal attacks, which i find amusing. are
these posters really so juvenile-minded to believe they can bully readers into agreeing with their
pov? i wonder how they'd fare as directors if they can't handle someone who disagrees with a
personal opinion? i've made several docs and been directly involved the ny independent film festival
and i was even invited to send my ny entry to cannes. ninety percent of all the docs in these
festivals like redford's sundance or afflect's and damon's old project greenlight are crude
productions, as was my own. it takes time to develop one's talent, and personal growth only comes
from growing a thick skin and learning to take criticism seriously. we need to accept the truth in
order to advance and improve. to any fledgling writers and directors out there i say take
everything in with a grain of salt, and feel free to reject whatever criticisms you disagree with.
this is your art.
[#154535] Written by: derpalerp [04/03/2011, 18:39]
please replace this ad already...ugh
[#154543] Written by: k0d3g3ar [04/03/2011, 22:39]
is there something wrong with my download? i got this from half a dozen different sources
(including here), and there's no subtitles or translation for all the chinese so i gave up shortly
after watching the first 5 mins or so. either i'm doing something really lame here, or whoever put
this together thinks that everyone is multi-lingual?

from what little i saw.... meh. its one thing to parade around the mantra that "its free video...
the directors are artists... you must enjoy it". to that (again) i say... meh. sorry, but we're
all raised on television. the minimum standard to be reached is quite high, since all that ad
sponsored crap we've been brought up with defines 'normal' when it comes to documentaries. this
comes nowhere near that standard, so sorry, but its a fail on my vote.

you know art is subjective. if enough people don't like it, they don't like it. beating up on the
audience for not being over the moon with the art is really bad practice. artists don't have to
please 100% of the people, 100% of the time. but being self-centered, unwilling to embrace the
audience, or defensive to the point of being childish isn't helping anyone.

here's the positive thing i can say here.... there's lots of room for improvement. now the ball's
in the creators court as to whether they want to improve or repeat the same.
[#154545] Written by: k0d3g3ar [04/03/2011, 22:42]
Quote by jatrudel
to any fledgling writers and directors out there i say take
everything in with a grain of salt, and feel free to reject whatever criticisms you disagree with.
this is your art.

... and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. yep, the world just needs more c grade
movies, that's for sure... .not!

a mature artists knows that if they extract content from any criticism, no matter how its thrown at
them, they can learn whether they are on the right track for the intended audience. dismissive
attitudes like you are promoting is why artists stall and eventually give up.

[#154546] Written by: k0d3g3ar [04/03/2011, 22:44]
Quote by ebany
great film, a "must" for most people!

if you are a gamer, or simply love to play for fun, watch this film.
if you are a friend or parent of someone who seems addicted to games, watch this film.
if you love excellent cgi, large budget filming, a class actors, and are very narrow minded, you
won't like this film so understand you have been warned.

fantastic! touching, dramatic, inspiring, was one of the best doco's i have seen in a very long
time. this film is more for those who are affiliated with the gaming world, or those who enjoy
something a little different and understand the budget restrictions a free film like this face. as
an ex-gamer who missed the professional industry by a few years and is now simply too old to
compete, this touched me on a personal level. it stirred memories of a past life.

are you on crack? you must be the creator of this piece of crap, i guess. nice advertisement.
pity there's no truth in it.

[#154547] Written by: k0d3g3ar [04/03/2011, 22:45]
Quote by yeschef
what a bunch of ungrateful brats. i for one, like these type of movies. will try and
download this
and see it for myself.

i guess some people have way too much time on their hands, or no quality control level in their
lives. if you like this doco, i have some really great old episodes of dora the explorer you might
be interested in....
[#154603] Written by: LightsabeR [05/03/2011, 17:50]
Quote by k0d3g3ar
are you on crack? you must be the creator of this piece of crap, i guess. nice
pity there's no truth in it.

i wouldn't say it's a "must" for most people, but for people who are interested in gaming on a deeper level
than simply playing some sports games and call of duty games on their consoles, this is quite a
good documentary.

i thought it was very well done and i thoroughly enjoyed it.
[#154616] Written by: zomgonoes [06/03/2011, 01:05]
thank you sooo much for posting this!!! it was excellent! i hope they make one of these for
starcraft 2 players!
cheers eztv!
[#154805] Written by: k0d3g3ar [12/03/2011, 19:17]
yeh, really good if you speak chinese, or have nothing else to do than watch day time soap operas.
[#154935] Written by: Mozie [14/03/2011, 01:43]
yea so im new to this what we talking about again??
[#155149] Written by: Pinkiesbrain [16/03/2011, 04:19]
nevermind...i should have read more comments before making mine. time to redownload it with
subtitles this time. <sigh>
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