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[#42893] Written by: super12 [27/06/2007, 02:05]
not that i really care, i don't use either, but someone might.


[#42916] Written by: guest [27/06/2007, 07:58]
what sites do you guys use to search for torrents then?
[#42919] Written by: God [27/06/2007, 09:03]
Quote by guest
what sites do you guys use to search for torrents then?

i use google
[#42923] Written by: jh604 [27/06/2007, 09:16]
i use torrentspy for full-season torrents, and eztv for new single episodes. i
sometimes search mininova, but torrentspy has always been better.

i honestly don't see why they're making such a big fuss over the tv though - tv
is free to watch so why should it be so bad for people in the uk to want to see
it early? if they're gonna fuck us over by taking months to get shows out over
here, they can't expect us not to use a free resource that is available.

as for in the us - i'm sure y'all are downloading them so you can rewatch them
as much as you like *wink wink* and not for burning them to dvd to avoid buying
the originals when they're released *wink wink*.

i just don't think should bitch and moan about tv - movies, yes because you pay
to watch them - games yes because you pay to buy them - but episodes you don't.
people in the uk still pay a tv license regardless of whether they watch it or
not. i have sky digital and it's on for one hour a week, 13 weeks a year -
doctor who.
[#42924] Written by: God [27/06/2007, 09:17]
well.. when you say free, you're generalizing and skipping a lot.

it wasn't free to make so that's why they're making a big fuss over it. just
playing devil's advocate a little here =p
[#42931] Written by: jh604 [27/06/2007, 09:47]
Quote by santabj
but it still goes free to air. and that's his point, i believe

(and yes, i know, technically it's not "free"...at least not always. there's
the commercials and there's the cable fees, but it's not like they don't get
shown/paid anyway. show me one survey that proves me wrong. just one!)

yeah that was my point. if they were charging for each episode, then i'd
understand completely. and i also know theres the cable fees etc, same here. but
like i said - i'm still paying tv license and sky one, so the only difference
i'm making is 1 less rating outta the millions they're still getting. plus, not
everyone has the nielsen box in the us so most people don't even affect the
ratings anyway!
[#42943] Written by: Elrad135 [27/06/2007, 10:22]
at the risk of sounding ridiculous, i had never heard of those two sites before
this morning, and i've been using torrentz.com
[#43067] Written by: muddafugga [27/06/2007, 22:31]
tv isn't "free", guys.

the whole point of tv broadcasts on non-specialty cable channels is to subject
the viewer to an endless stream of consumer-mentality mind-control... the price
you pay to watch the show is this: you're supposed to have to sit through 14
minutes of neuro-linguistic anchors and triggers, basically short hypnotic
blurbs which are designed to create compulsions in you to make you want to spend
money on things you don't need.

and in the end, you're supposed to end up collectively paying them, the
advertisers, more money than they spend putting up the budget for the tv show.

it's called fascism. and it blows goats. not just goats, but goats with
multiple std's. mussolini defined fascism thus: fascism should rightly be
called corporatism, as it's a merger of state and corporate power.

isn't that precisely what you have in america today?

a government so thoroughly entwined with wall st that it's impossible to tell
where the head ends and the asshole begins?

so fuck em... download and don't subject yourself to the mind control. we get
enough of it without the damn commercials.

[#43135] Written by: [28/06/2007, 14:02]

no one can stop torrents or the sites appearing every which way. it's like
trying to stop a river with the casing of a teabag: you might get a little but
you won't get a lot.

what they stop, morphs and becomes something else which spawns other sites
until closing one place brings the birth of many many more.

freedom of the masses. aint it beautiful.

[#43298] Written by: buggerfish [29/06/2007, 13:59]
since sky screwed all the virgin digital service users downloading tv shows is
one of the only ways to get watch any decent tv most of it is crap today but
i have been impressed with the bbc's programmes of late (dr who, coast)i hope eztv
stays around. this is the only site i have visited daily for the past 2 years
and i love it. i found heroes on here what more can i say.....
[#43392] Written by: PaulMemoli [30/06/2007, 17:42]
muddafugga wrote:

\"isn\'t that precisely what you have in america today?

a government so thoroughly entwined with wall st that it\'s impossible to tell
where the head ends and the asshole begins?\"

that\'s exactly right. look at the crap christie whitman went thru this week
while testifying about the government\'s environmental response to the sept 11
terrorist attack. some people want to charge her with manslaughter for
assuring the public that it was safe to return to work in lower manhattan.(as
the whole world knows - first the dogs that were used to find bodies in the
rubble began dying from respiratory illness - and later police, firefighters
and others who remained on the scene. now even general office workers who
simply reported to work every day for the past 6 yrs are developing the same
diseases. but she should not be held responsible... the orders came from
bush. he thought closing down wall street and the surrounding financial
districts would make osama\'s terror attack shine more brightly.

on another note - some torrent sites make my security software light up like
crazy, but i have never had any problems with torrentspy, mininova, or eztv.
[#43403] Written by: frog1234 [30/06/2007, 19:10]
osama's terror attack my foot
[#44078] Written by: JCCamp [05/07/2007, 09:17]
is it okay?
your foot?

[#44140] Written by: deskpotato [05/07/2007, 20:44]
the name of the game here is adaptation... although thses sites may become
obsolete, there is great opportunity for similar public torrent sites running
out of countries with no legislation in relation to net usage to become bigger
and fill the void.
the best bets are sites in countries such as romania, which being next to
italy has access to an excellent cable system or, more likely russia. so, if
youre an enterprising site developer in some eastern block shithole country,
now is the time to go forth and make your mark on the world of free net
content... viva la internet
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