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   Chaser duo detained over APEC stunt



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[#54436] Written by: botleman [06/09/2007, 01:35]
all i can say is hahahahahahahaha!
[#54439] Written by: glass_moon [06/09/2007, 01:58]
according to julian morrow they have something big (bigger) planned.
[#54460] Written by: sCifI3001 [06/09/2007, 04:27]
(my) millions spent on security . . . .

2 security checkpoints. . . . .

10 metres from the fucking dickhead texan's hotel,

[#54474] Written by: sCifI3001 [06/09/2007, 05:29]
Quote by imzadi

cant wait for the footage... these guys are so funny

. . . . thats the trouble . . . . the only footage that will survive is 45
seconds from a commercial news cameraman (channel 9) and the police escort
into custody (mobile phone footage on youtube) as i am sure all the chase
footage will be destroyed/wiped while in custody, or we will have to wait 50
years until the c**ts in america de-classify it
[#54492] Written by: SirCrumpet [06/09/2007, 07:01]
they managed to get the footage back to the abc - hence not seized, though it
doesn't stop howard putting a block on airing it...
[#54545] Written by: sCifI3001 [06/09/2007, 16:01]
Quote by aydin1954
on cnn just now


yep, that is the channel 7 footage of the arrest, channel nine has about 20-
30 seconds of the motorcade before the first checkpoint, complete with ss
running next to the vehicles, (holding camcorders instead of guns)
[#54606] Written by: Ven [07/09/2007, 04:07]
absolute classic .... see how much better a chaser sketch can be when it's not
set up with the authorities first? lmao ... well done to the chaser boys and i
do hope we get to see their footage eventually. apparently all their equipment
was returned to the studio today - but whether the embarassing footage
(embarassing for apec security that is!) is still intact is another question.
[#54608] Written by: DeadlyTrev [07/09/2007, 04:17]
i particularly loved this fact; the 'fake' passes they had made were clearly
printed "insecurity" and "this is obviously a joke", and had their real names
and photos on them.

they weren't actually detained until they stopped the cars and climbed out. the
police came running when they spotted the osama costume.

[#54611] Written by: Ven [07/09/2007, 04:42]
Quote by deadlytrev

they weren't actually detained until they stopped the cars and climbed out. the
police came running when they spotted the osama costume.

and i think its also priceless hearing officials such as alexander downer and
the nsw police minister (amongst others) protesting that they are "not
embarrassed" by the chaser stunt and the fact that the 11 were arrested
proves "apec security was successful". rofl! honestly, who is fooled by such
weak rhetoric? if it werent for the chaser boys deciding to make their presence
known when they did ... who knows how far they could have breached the red-zone.

and hows this for irony? apparently the original intention of the stunt was to
make a mockery of apec security overkill!!

and did you hear they've been at it again? dressed in cardboard boxes as a fake
convoy of limousines, other members of the chaser team were questioned by
police this afternoon. they were allowed to leave soon after the police were
satisfied the boys didnt have any more naughty plans in mind.

cheeky buggers.
[#54631] Written by: wolfmanoz [07/09/2007, 06:26]
it's about time these serial pests had their come-uppance.
really, if you think their constant interruptions & "surprise" appearances are
entertainment you really need a life ! next you'll be saying you worship that
other serial pest hoare !
the maximum penalty for their last "stunt" is 6 months prison.
i say throw their lily white asses in long bay & let them meet bubba up close
& personal !
it's a pity they hadn't tried this in the us...i'm sure the secret service
guys would have riddled their bodies with automatic weapons fire..kicked the
corpses to one side & asked "chasers what ?"( a fitting end imho ).
[#54640] Written by: jaymond [07/09/2007, 06:57]
wolfman y-. you're absolutely deluded. how old are you, like fucken' 80 years
old? loosen up, it's a comedy show you bogan.
[#54723] Written by: super12 [07/09/2007, 20:57]
i'm with wolfman, they aren't that funny. one of them getting shot would have
been funny.
[#54738] Written by: Effrem [07/09/2007, 22:26]
Quote by sircrumpet
they managed to get the footage back to the abc - hence not seized, though it
doesn't stop howard putting a block on airing it...

i dont think that would fly... (much to howards disgust)
editorial interference is very frowned upon with tha abc and would create a massive uproar and cause
more probs than howard wants with an election due).

Quote by wolfmanoz
it's about time these serial pests had their come-uppance.
it's a pity they hadn't tried this in the us...i'm sure the secret service
guys would have riddled their bodies with automatic weapons fire..kicked the
corpses to one side & asked "chasers what ?"( a fitting end imho ).

someone has had their sense of humour removed : )

the chaser goes after egoists and self importance, and repeatedly shows it up.
they are very effective at what they do and are quite funny at the same time.
as they didnt affect apec whilst it was in action (the day before infact) they avioded embrassing anyone
but the oz goverment.

good job and well planned and executed.

[#54750] Written by: DungeonRaider [07/09/2007, 23:27]
hilarious stunt though i reckon that security should be pretty embarrassed over
it, especially given the ridiculous measures they've gone to and the
inconveniences to everyone not involved in apec... after all if suicide bombers
had done the same thing but not gotten out of the car, they could have done a
lot of damage.
[#54803] Written by: angelicmon [08/09/2007, 04:49]
amazingly well done, imho. i really loved the idea and the complete incompetence
on the part of security. brilliant stunt. the gap is better guarded than george
bush... but then, the gap does have more social & cultural relevance than george
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