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[#54572] Written by: f0xh0und [06/09/2007, 23:29]
american chopper
american hot rod
are you smarter than a 5th grader
big brother us
don't forget the lyrics
mad men
who wants to be a superhero?

^^^ thursday's "prime" time lineup.

let me reiterate, "aaaaaaa!!!" may i also say, "$*#&'ing @*&%#%*$'ing @#$%&'s!!!"

somebody needs to slap the people who watch this crap sense--not "-less"
(they're already senseless)--senseful! "slap some sense into them!!" maybe then
this shite will stop polluting our air waves!

y'know, i once read that our radio and television broadcasts perpetuate
throughout outer space... well, that's just *great!* while each voyager
spacecraft carries that "golden disc" containing proof of our existence
(h**p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/voyager_golden_disc), they (there are two of 'em)
could be taken out by a freakin' asteroid or comet or ufo or something like
that! however, an asteroid or comet or ufo isn't going to break up today's
broadcasting of "who wants to be a superhero!"

[#54576] Written by: f0xh0und [06/09/2007, 23:52]
Quote by jayeff
yea, not to ruin your rant or anything, but the cable channels
don't broadcast on airwaves, so they don't go out into space.

and, what's wrong with mad men?


most of those shows air on broadcast networks; and nothing seems to be wrong
with mad men (except the rips (or so i hear). in fact, i'm downloading eps 1-7
(?) right now.

[#54587] Written by: laxdude [07/09/2007, 01:26]
well, unless you were joking, at least you are a little smarter than joey from
friends. a point is neither mute, nor moo. moot on the other hand, that is a

technically almost every show at some point is bounced off a satellite at least
once. so there is a chance that lrr and nd-nd will eventually get to watch mad men.
[#54589] Written by: f0xh0und [07/09/2007, 01:41]
Quote by laxdude

technically almost every show at some point is bounced off a satellite at least
once. so there is a chance that lrr and nd-nd will eventually get to watch mad

well, from what i hear, whoever "lrr" and "nd-nd" are, they're lucky they're
getting mad men (to balance out all that other crap, or course).
[#54591] Written by: laxdude [07/09/2007, 01:55]
Quote by f0xh0und

well, from what i hear, whoever "lrr" and "nd-nd" are, they're lucky they're
getting mad men (to balance out all that other crap, or course).

it's a futurama reference. and lrrr sounds nothing like morbo the news monster
or mr. h.g. blob. they are also the rulers of omicron persei 8 and fans of fox's
"single female lawyer". just skip the fishy joe poplers and you will be fine.
[#54648] Written by: CTU_Bauer [07/09/2007, 08:06]
saxondale is also really funny. steeve coogan is legendary.
[#54854] Written by: topoopon [08/09/2007, 17:16]
Quote by jayeff
yea, not to ruin your rant or anything, but the cable channels
don't broadcast
on airwaves, so they don't go out into space.

yes they do. the cable only runs between the cable company and your home. the
rest is a satellite feed.
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