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[#51315] Written by: elessar777 [16/08/2007, 05:02]
Quote by whosthat
Quote by dmfaust
wish they'd give dresden another chance, despite
some iffy
moments that series
at least has massive potential, the strength of the books aside even. i still
don't understand why they ordered a 22 episode run of jane to begin with when
eureka only got half that.

dresden well the books were gd but the show was very badly done same goes for
painkiller jane. from the start was guessing it would endup like this. would
rather sci fi film more bsg or remake firefly than waste money on this kinda

welll i liked dresden but i agree with the firefly subject, it was the best
sci-fi show ever. bsg is going to die an early death being scheduled for only
one more season. i'm goig to be pro-active in looking for ways to petition the
continuation of bsg, if we start early we might have a chance!
[#51331] Written by: rabidrabbit [16/08/2007, 09:04]
talk about thinking alike. agree with all the above comments + the only reason
flash got such a good rating on its first night was there was just nothing else
on. hear, hear! for firefly.
[#51353] Written by: Laylong [16/08/2007, 12:26]
lame condering how bad flash gordon was. maybe pj wasnt that good but i enjoyed
it alot more than fg.
[#51531] Written by: juggalotus [17/08/2007, 18:27]
omfg i really like the show and look forward to it , this sucks big time, way
more then flash gordon.

i barely enjoy whats on tv nowadays, but when a show comes out that i like they
always seem to cancel it or ruin it.

i'm getting tired of this, seems like since the cancellation of jake 2.0
everything i like gets canceled.

and yeah pkj isn't the greatest show, but sadly most of my favorite shows nowadays
are mediocre.
[#51542] Written by: brotherJohn1234 [17/08/2007, 19:44]
i kinda like jane -- it was/is not big tv - but it is right for the "in between".
[#51559] Written by: sean101 [18/08/2007, 00:22]
yeah i agree i loved this show but like all networks everything gets cancelled i
mean come flash gordon would shit me to tears compared to this, also dresden
needs to comeback nothing ever gets a chance anymore at least these two shows
will fully end, not like the countless others.
[#51560] Written by: kodiakbear [18/08/2007, 00:23]
in order of best series on this forum. my selections are -

eureka hands down
pain killer jane
dresden files

eureka is a humorous and inventive series.

pain killer jane - in a way it offers some of the old style good guys verses bad
guys story lines on a more tuned down x-men kind of spin. ( i don't expect most
of this generations people to appreciate the more subtle story telling
techniques of old. guess that is why so called fx intense shows and hokey demon
and vampire stories well are sucking wind. moonlight on the networks channels
will die like the rest a quick and silently painful cancellation.)

dresden files - now the reason i placed the dresden files 3rd was because it
didn't give me as many episoids as pain killer jane and i had to turn to
something to watch and enjoy. i do love masocistic chicks that can't die. oh
baby.as for the fx bs one of these tossers is talking about is in my opinion
giving a bit to much credit. i seen more special effects in charlotte's web than
i did in dresden files. the bottom line was people wanted a cool investigator of
crimes with special powers than some demon hunter story. old hat and already
been done.

sorry but you kids need to watch less tv so idiot thoughts won't leave your
minds or watch a bit more so you know what your talking about. either way it
doesn't improve your work preformance much. lol
[#51591] Written by: JeanLucPicard [18/08/2007, 05:40]
if the producers would have listened to some viewer's remarks, they could have
had applied some badly-needed improvements to the show ... the camerawork is
simply bad as is the scripting.

ditching pkj at its current level of quality was a logical conclusion ...
especially with "the 4400" being the much better show.
[#51606] Written by: ERUZA [18/08/2007, 08:49]
i watched the first 3 episodes of painkiller jane. then i realised something
that i'd realised with every other tv show where kristanna loken is in a lead
role....this is bollocks.....cue cancellation.
[#51625] Written by: korpskugga [18/08/2007, 12:12]
they shut this down for "flash gordon"...(i had to force my self to sit still
and give the fg episode a chance, but when it was over i realy wanted the
wasted time back)

compared to flash gordon, painkiller jane is oscar material...

only reason i even watched flash gordon was because of the old movie (that i
still own in vhs format) and they made such a bad job with the flash gordon
series that i won't ever watch it again.(already warned my friends about it)

pain killer jane was improving with every episode and they decide to shut it

well it's not the first time...and i guess it won't be the last..

[#51635] Written by: kodiakbear [18/08/2007, 14:03]
brevity has never been my strong suit. i admit i am long winded but at least i
don't try and puff myself up by stringing along dangling participles and
incomplete thoughts. (vidiopiate)

i guess the fact that i even have spent time writing anything on this particular
subject is their is just to many points that are fun to argue on. however the
bottom line is that this articial has been poorly chosen as a factual subject.

the show is not being canceled for smash gordon. pkj was only sloted for 22
episodes and then gone. if anyone had watched the 16th episode knows that it was
a recap of the past episodes to help build up to the conclusion. which was
contracted to end @ 22 episode. now for all you wankers that still think this is
being canceled after reading this then you deserve to sound ignorant and
misguided like sheep in a christian group.

may zeus bless you all and hadeas collect your souls. lol
[#51636] Written by: kodiakbear [18/08/2007, 14:07]
the 4400 don't get me started.

the show is so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

oops even the thought of talking about this show makes me fall a sleep.
[#51667] Written by: kodiakbear [18/08/2007, 21:33]
vidiopiate it wasn't stupid it was on target. however for your autistic mind i
shall use something more to your understanding and more to my liking. "i seen
more fx in captain kangaroo worth mentioning than i seen in the dresdan files".
you dolt - vidiopiante.

also i believe that even a thought if written should be written well. not like
your lack handed talent you exhibit thru soft flames in directions undeserving.
i fear your going to say something nasty and dim witted about this entry however
so you know i dought if you actually have a couple of brain cells that create a
spark that actually could come up with anything that could have even a bit of an
edge on it.

for the rest in this forum. i respect your views on the subject however when
refering to whether pkj is being canceled or it is coming to a close @ the end
of 22 episodes. it is coming to a close at then end of 22 episodes that was
originally contracted for by sci fi. guess that is truly the point i intended to
make in the first place.

may zeus be with you good people and hades collect those bad souls for his own.
[#53462] Written by: kodiakbear [29/08/2007, 20:07]
now zani that wasn't very nice. comment like that makes you sound like a leecher
to me.

i'm still amazed that this article is still up for the simple fact it's untrue
about the show being canceled. it was only slotted/contracted for 22 episodes.

as for the show being good or not i have to say for the budget it has, it's not
a bad show. compared to others with an abundance of c.g's. in them like the
dresden files or sg1.

by the way i'll never go away, i like dling and seeding on this site to much.
which by the way could use more seeders and less leechers.
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